Advertising Opportunities

Advertise your leadership vacancy

We invite you to contact Search Associates for personal assistance with your search for a head of school or other senior administrator. Even if you decide not to appoint Search Associates to help conduct your search, you can advertise any senior position on the " Leadership Vacancies" section of our web site. This public page alone attracts up to 10,000 visitors per month, depending on seasonality.

Each month, thousands of visitors access the "public" section of our website but cannot yet view the vacancies you post on your school profile page, as these are password protected. Therefore, many schools will also place a notice and full description in the "public" section to attract both actively registered and non-registered candidates.

Each advertisement will run as long as is needed on our website and will be seen by the thousands of educators who visit us each week. Contact our Executive Manager, Melinda Williams, for more details.

Showcase your School

Stand out among other schools! Our registered schools are invited to post a school banner that will connect candidates directly and quickly to your school's website with one easy click. Your banner will be placed on your school's public page in our "Visit Our Schools" section as well as in a rotation that appears on ALL pages of our website. Our site attracts as many as 60,000 visitors every month, including our actively registered candidates. Your school can design its own banner if it wishes.

If you would like additional information, please contact our Executive Manager, Melinda Williams. Schools already registered with us can also submit banner requests and/or leadership vacancy requests directly from your school dashboard page when you log in to our website.

If you represent a school that is not yet a member of Search Associates but you would would like have access to our advertising services, please visit our website and select "Get Started" today.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was a student under Alec Peterson ("father of the IB") in the 1960's, and was introduced in some depth to the DP hexagon very soon after its creation.