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To give you a little background on Harry, he joined the Search team in 1993 after working initially as a teacher in Argentina and in England, and then as Headmaster of British-system and international schools in each of Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai and Bangkok (founding Head of NIST). Harry, and several previous generations, grew up in South Africa but Harry's parents (and the immediate family!) moved to England in 1955 to get away from the depressingly nasty apartheid system. Harry's B.A. and M.A. from Cambridge University are in Maths and Economics, and his Diploma of Education is from Oxford University (then Director: Alec Peterson, who was co-author during those mid-1960's years of the original — and continuing almost intact — IB Diploma programme).
During his career in schools, Harry was an active member of many International Schools organisations, elected by fellow-Heads to serve on the committees of ESSARP (the very active River Plate schools' organisation, Argentina/Uruguay), COBISEC (British schools in Europe) and ECIS, where for some years in the 1980's he was Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. Membership of BSME (British Schools in the Middle East) and EARCOS (East Asia) came with later work, and for thirteen years he was an overseas member of Britain's HMC (Headmasters & Headmistresses Conference). Harry has participated in a very large number of IB regional and worldwide conferences. He has for decades promoted diversity in schools and especially in the context of each school's teaching staff.
After a successful career in international education of her own, as a teacher and as a Project Director for new schools, then Head of School, Margaret Deelman joined Harry in full-time Search Associates work in 1996. Born and brought up in Peru, a 'Third Culture Kid' who attended a bilingual international school, Margaret has a B.A. and M.A. from Cambridge University and a PGCE from the University of Bristol. She worked in the same sequence of cities as Harry, and additionally in Chiang Mai as the founding Head of Lanna International School.
Harry and Margaret have each accumulated a very extensive knowledge base as regards overseas schools. Both of us have first-hand knowledge of many of the schools, their locations, and their various educational systems; and both of us have enjoyed work as international teachers for many years, then as leaders of international schools for many later years. Harry has visited more than 400 international schools spread throughout the world.