Peter Smyth

Peter Smyth

Senior Associate

+1 (425) 543 4256


Region: UK South, including the following areas of England: London, the South East, the South West, the East of England, the West Midlands.

Fair Organizer: London - March

Peter has wide experience teaching and leading in the British System, IB and American System in the UK, US, Africa and Central America. Peter attended Liverpool John Moores University in the UK where he earned a BSc. in Outdoor and Science Education (QTS) and began teaching Science and Physical Education in a Specialist Sports College in the North West of England. On moving to the US, Peter assumed various leadership roles, and during this time earned his M.Ed. and  Principal Certification for Washington State and Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) through the NIAAA.

Over the course of his career, Peter has held many leadership positions including: Outdoor Ed Coordinator, Head of Science, Head of Physical Education, After School Activities Coordinator, Dean of Students, District Athletic Director and Whole School Administrator.  Peter has had the opportunity to visit a great number of schools in different regions and brings this experience with him in helping both candidates and schools.

Now living back in Surrey with his family, Peter is supported by his wife Janelle - also an International educator.  Both Peter and Janelle are passionate advocates for teaching abroad and are excited to share their experiences to help others take that step into the international teaching world or help an existing candidate find their next best fit.

Janelle Smyth, Executive Assistant

Smyth, Janelle

Janelle Smyth joins her husband Peter Smyth as Executive Assistant in the new UK South Search Associates office. Janelle gained her BSc. in Physical Education from Central Washington University and her Master’s in teaching from City University, both in Washington State. Janelle taught in Battleground for 8 years before she went on a life changing Fulbright Teaching Exchange to England.  It was during that year, living just outside of Liverpool, that her eyes were opened to the world of International teaching. It was also the year that she met her husband Peter. Since then they have lived in the USA, Egypt and most recently Panama where Janelle was the Head of MS Physical Education at the International School of Panama

Please contact Janelle with any questions about the application process, the status of your file or any other assistance you may need related to becoming an active candidate with Search Associates.  Janelle will also be assisting in the office at the London fairs in January and March. 



Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Ray Sparks's over 30-year career as an educator has involved working in Canada, Europe, and Asia.