March 15 - 17, 2025
Fair Organizers: Peter Smyth, Dominic Currer
Search Associates London March is traditionally the largest of the late-season job fairs, attracting a very wide range of schools and candidates and will be in-person this year at the Hilton Paddington.
London March (In-Person)
The London Spring job fair attracts international schools of all kinds and worldwide - including British, American and IB schools - so it is suitable for a wide range of teachers, in all subject fields and at all levels.
Every year candidates come from all over the world to attend the fair, including many from North America, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. However, it is especially convenient for teachers based in the UK, Ireland and other parts of Europe who can reach London within reasonable travelling time.
All Search sponsored job fairs are by invitation only for those candidates, and schools, who are fully registered and active. This ensures that our members candidates and schools are getting to the right fair that is best suited for their experience, job search and recruitment needs. Registered candidates can request an invitation to this fair after September 1, 2024 directly from their candidate dashboard. Invitations for our member schools will be available August 15, 2024.
School Criteria:
- For all member schools from around the world offering any curriculum
- Seeking both domestic and internationally-experienced educators with teaching credentials
- Ideal for world schools that have recruitment personnel based in the UK
Candidate Criteria:
- Open to experienced educators with, preferably, 2 or more years' full-time K-12 experience in the subject(s) for which they are applying
- All grade levels, specialist fields and curriculum experience welcome
- Appropriate for all educators including leadership candidates
- Open to both experienced international and domestic educators
- We do anticipate a high level of demand for places. Because of this, please do be aware that at some stage we will be limiting attendance at the fair on a subject specific-basis according to the number of available positions in each subject area on offer
Candidates wishing to attend the London-March fair should contact Peter or Dominic (or, if not registered with the UK office, their sponsoring Associate) as early as possible to request an invitation. Most candidates do this during October, November, December, January and February, but invitation requests are welcome at any time after 1st September 2024.
The London-March fair is held over a Saturday/Sunday weekend. If at all possible, candidates need to be free to attend throughout both of these two very full days of meetings and interviews, and should make their travel and accommodation arrangements with this in mind. There are no scheduled events on Friday 14th March 2025 although the fair office will be open from 2 - 6pm for early registration.
For School Boards considering engaging Search Associates to conduct a leadership Search, or to conduct governance workshops, and for Heads and Aspiring Heads wishing to learn how Search Associates' Consultancy Services Division can assist their future career development, Senior Consultant
Jeremy Lewis will be available at the Fair, to meet in person and to describe the range of related services we offer.