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Appointed - Sheena Nabholz
Jun 25, 2016
Sep 1, 2016
Sheena Nabholz

The Board of Trustees of the Lincoln Community School in Accra, Ghana is very proud to announce the appointment of Sheena Nabholz as the new Director, to start in August, 2017. She will be accompanied by her husband, Barry, who is also an experienced international educator. Sheena will replace Joe Stucker who is serving as Interim Director for 2016-17.
Sheena has worked in international schools on three continents for over seventeen years and is presently Director of the American School of Yaounde, Cameroon. She reports that while her time at ASOY was extraordinarily enriching professionally, she is now looking forward to the challenging opportunities at LCS.
Previously, Sheena was the Deputy Headmaster and Dean of Academic Affairs for four years at the King’s Academy in Jordan. Earlier posts included a six year stint as Secondary Principal for the Damascus Community School (Syria) and math teaching assignments in Costa Rica, Egypt and Canada.
Sheena has her MA in Educational Administration from Framingham State College and a BA from the University of Regina, Canada.
Search Associates is pleased to have assisted as consultants for this search.
Lincoln Community School
Accra, Ghana
seeks a
Head of School
effective July 2017
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the position of LCS Head of School will be available from July 2017. An Interim Director has been retained for the 2016-17 school year while recruitment for the long-term position is carried out.
The School
Lincoln Community School (LCS) is a not-for-profit American international school located in Accra, the capital of Ghana, West Africa. Founded in 1968, LCS is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School offering the Primary Years, Middle Years, and Diploma Programs. Students graduate with an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma or an American high school diploma and the option to achieve IB Diploma Program subjects’ certificates. English is the language of instruction; classes are offered from pre-kindergarten through grade 12.
LCS currently enrolls 755 students from more than 60 different countries. This academic year, high school enrollment is 210 students in grades 9 – 12, middle school is 160, and primary is 385. LCS serves a wide range of international and national organizations. Class sizes are approximately 20 students or fewer. Specialized learning support programs serve those students with English acquisition needs (EAL) and students with identified mild-moderate learning disabilities.
LCS is accredited by the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges in the United States and by the Council of International School (CIS), and is fully authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB World School.
LCS is affiliated with the Council of International Schools (CIS), the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE), and the West Africa International School Activities League (WAISAL).
Lincoln Community School strives to be a model American international school offering a broad and challenging educational program to students from diverse cultural backgrounds.
LCS is committed to inspiring students to achieve the highest standards of intellectual and personal development through a stimulating and comprehensive program. Within a caring, respectful, multicultural environment, the school is committed to instilling in each student a desire to learn, to take appropriate risks, and to accept challenges. The school community is committed to developing students who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, interdependent, socially responsible adults.
• We are a learning focused school
- We teach all our students how to become successful, independent Lincoln Learners.
- We are guided by shared Learning Principles that frame all our learning, teaching and leading, creating a common, collaborative Learning Culture.
- We develop in our students a deep, sustained love of learning and a sustained desire to pursue their personal passions.
- We support high performance in our teachers through multiple Professional Learning opportunities that offer choice and personalized coaching.
- We ensure that all students are successful in our learning program through the provision of appropriate support for students who learn differently and for students for whom English is not their academic language.
- We offer a diverse range of learning choices in curricular and co-curricular learning to provide a rich, relevant, balanced education.
- We support and inspire our learners towards achieving their goals in Academics, Arts, Athletics and Action in the Community.
- We design our Learning Spaces and our Learning Time to support our Learning Principles and learning culture.
• We are a leading school
- We teach all our students how to become skilled, confident Lincoln Leaders , optimally prepared to make a meaningful contribution to our local and international communities.
- We develop leadership in all teachers and staff.
- We identify Lincoln Community School as a leader in international education.
• We are a connected school
- We actively embrace and enjoy our diversity in one open, welcoming Lincoln Community.
- We are deeply connected to our host country and to the wider network of international education.
- We teach our students how to connect their learning across disciplines and transfer it into authentic, real world contexts.
- We engage in regular, transparent, two way communication to keep us all connected.
- We proactively build partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our values and bring added value.
The Curriculum
The LCS curriculum emphasizes inquiry and problem solving. Consistent with the IB mission of promoting international mindedness, the LCS curriculum is developed and delivered through an international and multicultural perspective. The Elementary school from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 follows the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), Grades 6 through 10 students follow IB Middle Years Program (MYP) which provides a framework of academic challenges and life skills for students. In grades 11 and 12, students complete requirements for the full IB Diploma Program or may select from a range of IB certificates and a U.S. accredited course of study.
The Future
LCS’s future is built on long range strategic planning and guided by a committed Board of Directors, Administration and school community. In keeping with LCS’s strategic mission and vision, the school has embarked on initiatives to ensure LCS is at the forefront of 21st Century learning principles. The school’s strategic mission and vision include to complete a multi-million dollar redevelopment project to provide students and faculty with the tools and facilities necessary for success. Once completed, LCS will be able to accommodate up to 880 students with upgraded and expanded facilities to empower each student to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges.
The Position
Required Qualifications / Experience:
- Proven track record of success as a previous administrator
- Prior experience working in an American curriculum-based school
- Prior international school experience as Head of School, Deputy Head of School or similar leadership positions.
- Graduate degree (Masters or PhD) in Education or Educational Administration
Preferred Qualifications / Experience:
- Prior experience in a developing country
- Superintendent or equivalent administrative certification
- Strong communication skills, including public speaking and written communication within and outside the school community
- Financial acumen and budgeting experience
- Experience working collaboratively with School Board(s)
- Experience working in all levels of education
- Knowledge of or experience with IB Diploma Program
- Evidence of ability to recruit and retain quality administrators and faculty
- Confident public speaker with ability to effectively represent the school to external parties
- Experience with school building projects
- Commitment to inclusive and comprehensive strategic planning
- Demonstrated experience in successfully managing change
LCS believes:
- That each employee makes a significant contribution to our success.
- That contribution is not limited to the assigned responsibilities.
Therefore, this position description is designed to outline primary duties, qualifications and job scope, but not limit the employee or LCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the School that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization.
Compensation and Benefits
LCS offers an initial contract term of three years (renewable). The remuneration package is commensurate with the responsibilities of the position and is competitive within Africa. Benefits include housing, utilities, use of a school vehicle, comprehensive medical insurance, retirement program, professional development allowance, annual home leave, transportation at the beginning and end of contract, and shipping allowance.
Procedures for Filing Application
LCS has appointed Search Associates as its consultant in its search for a Head of School, with Ralph Jahr and Jim Ambrose as the lead consultants. The deadline for applications is September 1st, 2016. Candidates are asked to submit a letter of interest and the requested materials listed below as early as possible as the Search Committee reserves the right to close the selection process at any time if the right candidate is found. Semifinalist candidates will be identified by Search Associates and their dossiers forwarded to the school for review. On-line interviews will be arranged with the intention to complete the final selection by October 2016.
The review will begin as soon as applications are received. Finalists will be selected by the Search Committee and 2 or 3 finalists will be selected as early in the process as possible. The new Head of School will be selected after the conclusion of the site visit, final interviews, and reference checks. The new Head of School will begin in July 2017.
Candidates should send the information listed below as a single pdf file attached to an email:
- A letter of application, explaining your strengths as a candidate and why you are interested in the Head of School position at LCS.
- A statement describing your management and educational philosophy, not to exceed two pages.
- A current résumé not to exceed two pages.
- A one-page list of references with current addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
- A maximum of three letters of reference that may already be in your possession.
Applications should be sent to rjahr@searchassociates.com and jambrose@searchassociates.com . Additional information about LCS can be found on the school’s website at www.lincoln.edu.gh .
Ralph Jahr Tel: 609-759-0431 USA – Pacific Time Zone
Skype – ralph.h.jahr Email: RJahr@searchassociates.com
Jim Ambrose Tel – 1-775-384-2356 - Pacific time zone
Skype – jimambrose Email – JAmbrose@searchassociates.com