High School Principal at International School of Myanmar in Myanmar
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High School Principal
International School of Myanmar (Myanmar)

Appointed - Position has been filled
Dec 29, 2015
Feb 1, 2016

International School of Myanmar

Seeks a High School Principal

Starting July 20, 2016

The ISM High School provides a quality international education to expatriate and permanent residents of Yangon, Myanmar. The school’s educational program follows a student-centered standards-based curriculum, intent on developing the whole child. We aim to teach the necessary skills for students to become lifelong learners who value and respect not only themselves but also the environment they inhabit. The High School at ISM follows a rigorous program that is based on educational best practices. This, combined numerous Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings, provides our students with a solid academic and social foundation for success at universities and colleges worldwide.

Our High School faculty brings with them a wealth of home country and international teaching experience, which together contributes to an array of instructional and pedagogical knowledge that enriches the educational program. These teachers challenge our students to be critical thinkers who are communicatively competent, globally aware and courageously innovative. In addition, our High School students develop a heightened sense of leadership, compassion, and responsibility while attending ISM.

The High School prides itself on a vibrant extra-curricular program that provides our students with vital opportunities to learn beyond the restrictions of traditional classroom walls. Our prized Week Without Walls (WWW) program allows our students to participate in amazing curricular-centered trips locally and abroad including France, Spain, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Maldives. In addition to the array of sporting activities and club offerings, we invite students to join our very successful Community Service Program where students identify needs in the surrounding community and collaborate to provide tangible support. Our CS program includes construction projects in the delta region, assisting a local animal shelter, visiting local orphanages and nunneries, and working with local schools. The High School also has a very successful Music and Performing Arts program that often performs in venues across Yangon to rave reviews.

Job Duties

This Contractor is required to serve up to 200 days each year. The Director has the right to require these days of service at his or her discretion. The principal will report to school a minimum of one week before teachers arrive at the beginning of the school year and will remain a minimum of one week after the closing of school at the end of the school year.

Scope of Service

The School engages the Contractor as a High School Principal and to perform other duties in the School as required under the supervision of the Director. The Director shall determine the duties to be performed, in consultation with the Contractor, and with reasonable reference to the contractor’s skill and to the requirements of the school. All duties performed by the contractor shall be performed in a competent and professional manner, and in accordance with the School Board policies and procedures and administrative rules, regulations and directives, as judged by the Board.

In addition to the aforementioned criteria, the ideal candidate will possess acumen and demonstrated effectiveness in the flowing domains:

1)   Curriculum and Instruction

Implement and monitor all elements of school’s adopted course of study.
Supervision of instruction and timely evaluation of personnel
Maximize results in academic outcomes
Serve as instructional leader to staff by facilitating professional learning

2)   Community Relations

Visibility and presence with students
Outreach and responsiveness to parents
Pervasive divisional leadership to teacher and support staff
Assist employees to improve performance and maintain a positive culture
Communicate effectively in writing and orally with students, parents and faculty

3)   Managerial and resource management

Collaboration in selection of new personnel
Delegation of duties among divisional staff
Serve as effective gatekeeper for resources
Prepare interval reports on progress of student achievement
Assure the integrity of student results and safekeeping of their records
Create and submit evaluations for staff
Maintain a student centered environment
Create a master schedule that maximizes school resources
Collaborate with other principals in transitions from one level to next

Interested parties should send a letter of intent, a CV, a statement of educational philosophy, 3 current letters of recommendations, and a list of 5 references, including current Supervisor.

Please send materials as a single PDF file to Ambler Moss, Director at director@ismyanmar.com no later than February 1, 2016

Preliminary interviews will be held in February, with finalist interview to be held in March. Candidates should note, however, that in the event an outstanding applicant is identified early in the search process, ISM reserves the right to make an appointment before the deadline mentioned above. For this reason it is VERY IMPORTANT that interested candidates apply as soon as possible.

Attention: If you apply for this position, please inform the school and us (Admin@searchassociates.com) that you saw the notice on the Search Associates website. 

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.