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Primary Principal
International School of London (UK)

Appointed - Kathryn Firebrace
Mar 28, 2018
Apr 25, 2018
We are pleased to announce that after a thorough search process the International School of London Group has recently appointed Kathryn Firebrace to be Primary Principal at the International School of London.
Kathryn has a BSc degree from Miami University, Ohio and a Certificate of International Leadership from the Principals’ Training Centre. She is also a Certified Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counsellor. After teaching in elementary schools in Illinois for several years she moved to the UK, teaching first at ACS Egham and then at TASIS. Since 2010 she has worked at ACS Cobham, since 2015 as Lower School Assistant Principal.
Kathryn will start her new job in London in August 2018 and she is greatly looking forward to this exciting new stage in her career.
International School of London – London
Primary Principal (for an August 2018 start)
Job Title: Primary Principal
Reports to: Head of School
Deputised by: PYP Coordinator
Campus: ISL London
- General
- Contribute to whole school development through active participation in Senior Leadership forums
- Effectively uphold the ethos and objectives of ISL
- Ensure the Primary school has effective decision making and communication procedures within the school and across the school community
- Ensure provision of quality education for students and improvement in student outcomes
- Work in partnership with the PYP Coordinator and EYFS Coordinator to ensure effective management and improvement of the curriculum
- Report regularly to the School Principal and advise the Principal on a proper and substantive approach to strategic planning in the Primary School
- Plan collaboratively with the Principal to oversee the management of resources effectively and equitably
- Develop strategies with the Principal to enhance the performance and welfare of staff
- Promote the participation of the school community in developing and achieving the school’s goals and purposes
- Promote a welcoming environment for members of the wider community into the school – such as parents and visitors
- Ensure that all primary school procedures are in line with best practice for safeguarding and health and safety
The Primary Principal is:
- Translating the school’s vision, priorities and targets into explicit policies and practices in consultation with the Principal
- Supporting the Principal in the development of the school’s vision, priorities and targets which are reflected in the strategic plan
- Advising and guiding the Principal on strategic planning for matters relating to school facilities
- Overseeing the provision of quality education for all students in accordance with the policies and priorities of ISL
- In conjunction with the Principal and in collaboration with the PYP and EYFS Coordinators, ensure effective teaching and learning practices throughout the Primary school
- Developing a culture which demonstrates that learning is valued, personalised, and based on individual needs
- Ensure that there is a strong culture of welfare for all students and ensure that there is a strong welfare programme as part of the Primary curriculum.
- Developing a culture of collaboration, in which all members of the school community contribute to the achievements of shared goals
- Manage the Primary School budget and contribute to financial implications of longer term school developments
- Ensure that the EYFS programmes are compliant with DfE requirements and oversee visits from the Local Authority Early Years Support Team.
- Ensure that all policies relating to the Primary School are current and updated as outlined in the policy review calendar and contribute to whole school policies that are pertinent to primary
Educational Programmes
The Primary Principal is to work with the Principals to ensure:
- The development and implementation by all primary teaching staff of teaching and learning programmes relevant to the current needs of all students and anticipated learning outcomes
- The implementation of varied teaching and learning strategies which support a personalised approach that meets the needs of all students
- In collaboration with primary curriculum leaders, teaching and learning programmes are evaluated, student outcomes are analysed and student progress monitored.
Learning Outcomes
The Primary Principal School will work with the Principals to ensure:
- The reporting of student achievements to parents, students, teachers and the school community
- Analysis of school-based student assessment data which impacts upon school priorities, targets and teaching and learning programmes to improve student outcomes
- Targeting available financial, physical, human and technological resources to achieve quality learning outcomes
Care & Guidance
The Head of School, in consultation with the Principals, will monitor:
- A comprehensive primary student welfare and pastoral policy which is regularly reviewed and which includes the
- principles of natural justice and procedural fairness
- Policies, programmes and practices which are regularly reviewed and which promote the protection, safety, self-esteem and welfare of students
- The welfare needs of each student in a safe, responsive and harmonious teaching and learning environment
- Practices that ensure all students are treated in accord with their particular needs and talents
- The development of student leadership and a strong student voice
Staff Welfare, Development and Management
The Primary Principal is accountable for:
- Ensuring that the school environment is pleasant, exciting, safe and challenging for students
- Promoting a collegial and co-operative culture to support team effectiveness and to encourage individual development
- Effective communication and decision-making processes within the school
- Clarifying the duties of school staff and ensuring staff appropriately exercise their delegated responsibilities
- Facilitating the professional growth of staff through the promotion of teacher efficiency in student welfare and assessment, curriculum development and evaluation, planning, classroom management and teaching skills
- Supporting the Principal in the development of a professional development programme that allows teachers to build their pedagogical understanding to support classroom practice
- Implementing specific programmes for the development of staff who experience difficulties in the performance of their duties
- The maintenance by all staff of documentation required in the completion of their duties
- Supervising and evaluating the implementation of teaching and learning programmes and associated teaching strategies
- Inducting staff in the requirements of policies and mandatory training procedures
- Overseeing primary staff appraisal and following up with any issues arising from this process in a timely manner.
School and Community Partnership
The Primary Principal is accountable for:
- Providing opportunities for and promoting school community participation in developing the school’s vision statement, priorities, targets and school policies
- Maintaining open communication throughout the school community
- Acknowledging the views and expectations of, and working with parents for the personal, social and educational welfare of their children
- Liaising with parent bodies, such as the PTA, in order to keep them abreast with developments and informed about procedures.
- Ensuring that the transitions team support the induction and integration of new primary students into the school community.
- Ensuring that Parent Information Meetings and conferences are planned at appropriate times in the school calendar and that these run smoothly.
- Ensuring that Curriculum Information Events for parents are planned at appropriate times in the school calendar and that these run smoothly.
- Communicating with the school community regarding announcements about developments in the primary section
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified. The Primary principal of School will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from the Principal to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Director, the Principal and the Primary Principal.
The terms and conditions of the position will be discussed with short-listed candidates.
Application procedure
Suitably qualified candidates should send to David Cope of Search Associates – dcope@searchassociates.com - all the items below collated together in a single pdf as an email attachment (to arrive as soon as possible, and no later than 25 April 2018)
- a letter of application (no more than one page), outlining why the candidate wishes to apply for this position and what specific skills, qualities and experience he/she can offer
- a CV (no more than two pages)
- the names and full contact details of at least three professional referees (one of which should if possible be the leader of the applicant’s current organisation)
- a good recent head-and-shoulders photo
Closing date: Wednesday 25 April 2018
Applications to: dcope@searchassociates.com