Principal (Head) at The British International School Ukraine in Ukraine
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Principal (Head)
The British International School Ukraine (Ukraine)

Appointed - Pauline Stulberg
Nov 18, 2015
Dec 12, 2015




Search for new PRINCIPAL (HEAD)

from August 2016

The Board of Governors are looking for a new Principal to take over the leadership of the school from the current Head, Keith Jackson, in summer 2016 and have asked Search Associates to help them in their search.


The British International School Ukraine (BISU) was founded in 1997 and was the first such school to offer a British style of education in Ukraine. Operating under the umbrella of the Advanced British Education Group (ABE) the school is registered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations Organisation (CIE) as a Cambridge International Centre and is a regular member of the European Council of International Schools. The school is also registered with the Ministry of Education in Ukraine.

The school originally started as a single campus in the Nivki area of Kyiv to serve the needs of both a growing expatriate population looking for an international education for their children and also aspiring Ukrainian parents seeing the value of such an opportunity.  Offering both the English National Curriculum and the Ukrainian Atestat ensured choice for Ukrainian parents allowing them the opportunity to graduate in both programmes.  

With the growing demand for international education the school has expanded over the years to include a second campus in the Pechersk region of Kyiv as well as a campus in the city of Dnipropetrovsk.    

The school has quickly become recognised as one of the top schools in Ukraine, receiving frequent recognition for delivering a quality education.   Building on its rich and successful history the school continues to go forward and is working towards becoming an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP) authorised school with plans to do the same for the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) for the High School. 

BISU is currently educating nearly 500 students from Early Years to Secondary, 80% of them Ukrainian and the remaining 20% comprising about 30 different nationalities. 

For full details of the school’s curriculum, policies, activities, facilities and staff please visit BISU’s website



Reports to:


The Board of Governors

Responsible for:

All staff, students, volunteers and visitors in the school.

Main Purpose:



The Principal is responsible for the successful leadership and management of the school according to the strategic direction set by the Board of Governors and following all approved handbooks and policies. This encompassing four campuses of which three are In Kyiv and one in the city of Dnipropetrovsk. The Principal oversees the coordination and administration of all aspects of the business including planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling activities. The Principal is ultimately responsible to the Board of Governors of the British International School, Ukraine or their representative. However, on a day to day basis reports directly to the Head of the Supervisory Board as needed.

The Job Description and allocation of particular responsibilities may be amended from time to time with proper consultation.

Main Activities:

Operational Planning and Management


Primary Duties and responsibilities;

  • Continue to develop the school operational plan which incorporates goals and objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organisation.
  • Ensure that the operation of the organisation meets the expectations of its pupils, parents, teachers and the Board of Governors.
  • Oversee the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of the organisation by means of efficient communication with the Heads of Schools and other senior management providing leadership, support and guidance.
  • Draft policies for the approval of the Board of Governors and prepare procedures to implement the organisational policies; review existing policies on an annual basis and recommend changes to the Board of Governors as appropriate.
  • Provide support to the Board of Governors by preparing meeting agenda and supporting materials.
  • Ensure that the programmes and services offered by the organisation contribute to the organisation's mission and reflect the priorities of the Board of Governors.
  • Ensure the development of a wide range of extra curricula activities.
  • Determine a policy for pastoral care within the school: e.g. anti-bullying, anti-racist.
  • Determine the norms of behaviour and discipline within the school and promote, through positive strategies, self-discipline and a proper regard for authority.
  • Implement the school’s policy for exclusion, temporary or permanent, and that no pupil is expelled without prior consultation with the Board of Governors, and in any event shall act in accordance with the principles and procedures of natural justice.


Human Resources Planning and Management


  • Determine staffing requirements for organisational management and programme delivery.
  • In consultation with the Board of Governors ensure the recruitment of well-qualified staff.
  • Ensure that personnel files are properly maintained and kept confidential.
  • Oversee the implementation of human resources policies, procedures and practices including the development of job descriptions for all staff.
  • Ensure a positive, healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all appropriate legislation and regulations.
  • Ensure that all staff receive an orientation to the organisation and that appropriate training is provided.
  • Ensure the implementation of a performance management process for all staff which includes monitoring the performance of staff on an ongoing basis and conducting an annual performance review.
  • Coach and mentor senior management staff as appropriate to improve performance.
  • Discipline staff when necessary using appropriate techniques; release staff when necessary using appropriate and legally defensible procedures.


Financial Planning and Management


  • Research funding sources and write funding proposals to increase the funds of the organisation.
  •  Approve expenditures within the authority delegated by the Board of Governors. Provide the Board of Governors with comprehensive, regular reports on expenditure of the organisation within the operating budget.
  • Manage funds within the operating budget for recruitment, advertising, marketing, professional development, teaching materials, etc.


Promote the organisation: Community Relations/Advocacy.


  • Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the work of the organisation.
  • Establish good working relationships and collaborative arrangements with community groups, politicians, and other organisations (British Council, British Embassy, British Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce, etc) to help achieve the goals of the organisation – raising the school's profile, increasing the numbers.
  • Represent the organisation at community activities to enhance the organisation's community profile.
  • Maintain an awareness of the expectations of the parents and respond appropriately where this is commensurate with good practice.
  • Fully and effectively promote the school cultivating good public relations.
  • Handle the media and all other aspects of publicity in consultation with the Board of Governors.
  • Ensure that the school prospectus, website and promotional materials are updated regularly.
  • Ensure the desired image and reputation of the school are adequately reflected in the quality of all printed and electronic material.
  • Bring an appropriate “ marketing culture” to the school so that each member of the staff is aware of the contribution he/she can make to the promotion of the school.




  • Develop policies and procedures for the school, pupils and staff which reflect ethical practices.
  • Ensure that the school operates within the policies and procedures of the organisation.
  • Ensure that school activities comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards.
  • Develop forms and records to document various school activities, streamline existing policies and procedures and introduce new ones.
  • Oversee the preparation of a school calendar of events.


Manage and Lead the Project


  • Liaise with other managers to ensure effective and efficient programme delivery.
  • Meet all new parents and children wishing to join the school and take the decision on admission. If the Principal is absent, delegate to the appropriate Head of School.
  • Chair whole school SMT meetings. If the Principal is absent, delegate to a Head of School.
  • Participate with the Board of Governors in developing a vision and strategic plan to guide the organisation.
  • Identify, assess, and inform the Board of Governors of internal and external issues that affect the organisation.
  • Act as a professional advisor to the Board of Governors on all aspects of the organisation's activities.
  • Foster effective teamwork between the Board of Governors and all SMT members.
  • Act as a spokesperson for the organisation.
  • Conduct official correspondence on behalf of the Board of Governors as appropriate and jointly with the Board of Governors when appropriate.
  • Prepare and submit twice yearly reports to the Board of Governors.



The Board of Governors are dedicated to appointing the best possible candidate to the position of Principal at the British International School Ukraine, in order to realise the vision of becoming an outstanding school.

Board members will be looking for someone with the drive and determination to continue the significant progress made in recent years.     The successful candidate will have the ability to motivate and inspire all stakeholders in the school community, break through the barriers of expectations and harness opportunities to create a climate of success and achievement for all. 

The new Principal will be a person who wants to make a difference.       He/she will be ready for a challenge and will bring a wealth of innovative and outstanding ideas to engage all stakeholders.     The Principal will be approachable and consistent, giving respect to, and earning respect from, all students, staff, parents and carers.




Evidenced in

Education and Professional Qualifications




Degree and Qualified Teacher Status.



Evidence of continuous professional development.



Experience of leading/co-ordinating professional development and inset training.




National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH).



Working life experience outside education.



Teaching and Learning




Significant experience of teaching at secondary school level.




Experience in more than one school.




Ability to understand the characteristics of successful behaviour management.




Experience of successful whole school curriculum and assessment development.




Experience of delivering a diverse curriculum to meet the needs of all learners.




Evidence of leadership in exploring and developing, with staff, teaching and learning strategies.




Evidence of success with teaching and learning programmes.




Ability to create and maintain a climate which promotes high standards of achievement.




Ability to maintain a climate with promotes good behaviour and discipline throughout the school.




Leadership and Management




Evidence of transformational and inspirational leadership.





Ability to identify and use appropriate leadership approaches for different situations.





Experience of financial management and effective deployment of resources.




Ability to create a working environment where all feel secure while being fully accountable.




Experience and ability to form good relationships with the wider community.




Experience of working within collaborative partnerships.




Ability to work effectively with a Governing Body.




Awareness of a range of school improvement strategies.




Experience of analysing and utilising complex data.




Understanding and commitment to promoting and safeguarding the welfare of students.




Ability to delegate work and support colleagues in undertaking responsibilities.




Experience of working with Governors to enable them to fulfil whole-school responsibilities.




Skills and Strengths




Effective verbal and written communication skills as well as the use of IT and new technologies.




Ability to promote and communicate an education vision and direction.




Ability to inspire, motivate and innovate.




Experience of developing pastoral care and a caring ethos within the school.




Personal Attributes




Ability to work creatively and collaboratively.




Demonstrably professional, honest and loyal.





Ability to make and justify difficult decisions.




Commitment to our students and their learning, wellbeing and safety.




Committed to equality.




Inspirational leadership qualities.




Able to build and maintain successful and purposeful relationships.




Ability to organise work, prioritise tasks and manage time effectively.




Ability to remain positive and enthusiastic when working under pressure.




Stamina and resilience.



Special Requirements




Be willing to undergo an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.





The salary and benefits package will be attractive, and commensurate with the qualifications and previous experience of the successful candidate.  It is expected to include

  • A competitive salary.
  • Rent-free accommodation. The school will source and pay for an international standard apartment which will be fully furnished, usually having cable and internet already installed.   (The Principal will be responsible for paying for these services along with the utilities).
  • Flights.    Annual economy return ticket to and from the home country for the Principal, his/her spouse/partner and up to 3 dependent children (if applicable).  (Flights are booked by the school, and the benefit is not transferable).
  • Baggage allowance.   A one-off 500USD payment (in local currency) on arrival, and also (if applicable) a further 300USD per person for a spouse/partner and up to 3 dependent children.
  • School fees. 100% reduction in tuition fees for up to 3 dependent children if they attend BISU.
  • Medical insurance.  Local medical insurance will be provided for the Principal, his/her spouse/partner and up to 3 dependent children (if applicable).
  • End of contract bonus.   On successful completion of the contract and the meeting of performance management targets the Principal will be entitled to receive an end of contract bonus.
  • Professional Development.    Provided, after negotiation with the Principal as appropriate. 



Suitably qualified candidates should send to David Cope of Search – all the items below collated together in a single pdf as an email attachment (to arrive as soon as possible, and no later than 12 December 2015) 

  • a letter of application (no more than one page), briefly outlining why the candidate wishes to apply for this position and what specific skills, qualities and experience he/she can offer
  • a CV (no more than two pages)
  • a statement of educational and leadership philosophy (no more than one page)
  • the names and full contact details of at least three professional referees
  • a good recent head-and-shoulders photo


Interviews will take place in January 2016.  However, the Board reserves the option to invite selected candidates to interview in advance of this schedule. 

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Nick Kendell has worked in Asia, Australia, and Africa as an educator and administrator.