Secondary School Director (Principal) at International College, Beirut in Lebanon
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Secondary School Director (Principal)
International College, Beirut (Lebanon)

Appointed - Bruce Knox
Oct 11, 2016
Nov 18, 2016

Dear Friends and Colleagues,                                                                        

On behalf of Don Bergman, President of International College (IC) in Beirut, Lebanon and Search Associates, we are pleased to announce that after a worldwide search which produced a large number of highly qualified candidates, Mr. Bruce Knox has been selected as the new Secondary School Director for the 2017-18 academic year.

Mr. Knox is currently Elementary School Principal at the Asia Pacific International School in Seoul, Korea. He has been a Principal at the school since 2014. Prior to his current position, he was Educational Technology Director at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 2009-14. He has also held teaching positions in Laos, China and in his native Australia.

Mr. Knox earned his Bachelor of Teaching Degree at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, and a Master of Education in Educational Technology from the University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba, Australia. Brian will be accompanied by his wife Jodi Nielson who is a school counselor and their daughter, who is in grade 3.

Dr. Don Bergman and Search Associates would like to thank all candidates who expressed interest in the Secondary School Director position, and to everyone who assisted and supported the search process.

Ralph Jahr
Search Associates


International College

Beirut, Lebanon

seeks a new

Secondary School Director – Ras Beirut Campus

Effective July 2017


The School

International College (IC) is a private, non-sectarian, non-profit, tuition-based international school.


IC has a long and illustrious history as one of the finest educational institutions in the world. Founded in 1891 in Turkey, IC was chartered in Massachusetts in 1903, and moved to Beirut in 1936 as the prep school for the American University of Beirut (AUB). It became independent of AUB in 1960.


The school serves students from pre-K to grade 12. Students at the secondary school can choose from among four different rigorous curricular tracks: International Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, Lebanese Baccalaureate, or the college preparatory program. The language of instruction is English or French, depending on the track. All three languages- English, French and Arabic are taught at all levels.


The Location

IC currently occupies two campuses: the main campus is situated in Ras Beirut area of the capital city Beirut and hosts a Preschool, an Elementary School, a Middle School and a Secondary School. In 1988, IC opened a second campus in Ain Aar, a residential area 12 miles northeast of Beirut, which is now home to students in grades pre-K to grade 9.


The Students

IC has over 3,500 students, most of whom are trilingual in English, French, and Arabic. Most students at IC are Lebanese, and 40 percent have either dual-citizenship or non-Lebanese citizenship. IC values well-rounded students; the school offers a variety of extra-curricular activities and requires that each student complete 100 hours of community service. Applicants are required to complete a selective application process to attend.


All juniors and seniors, whether in English or French sections, are required to sit for the SAT, and many opt to take the TOEFL or IELTS as well.


The Curriculum

IC offers five different academic programs, all using the three languages of the school, Arabic, English and French, to some extent.


The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is provided for students throughout the Preschool and Elementary levels. The program, offered in both the English and French tracts, fosters a love of learning through a student-focused, inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a demanding two-year curriculum with a rigorous assessment component. English is the language of instruction for all IB courses. Students are assessed by IB exams at the end of the two-year program. The average score for the class of 2016 was 34, compared to the world wide average of 30.

The Lebanese Baccalaureate Program is a rigorous program available to all students in either an English or French track for core subjects. French or English is taught as a third language depending on the track. In both tracks, History, Geography and Civics are taught in Arabic at certain levels, and the study of Arabic literature and language is required. In their second year, students are tracked into a humanities or sciences curriculum. Students are assessed by comprehensive exams set by the Lebanese Ministry of Education at the completion of grade 12.


The College Preparatory Program (CPP) is a three-year course modeled on a traditional American high school program. The language of instruction is English. Required courses include Math, Sciences, English, Social Studies, and French with Arabic language at varying levels. The grading system is on a 100-point scale.


The French Baccalaureate Program is a demanding curriculum reflecting the same course of study available in France. All core subjects are taught in French. With completion of this program, students can communicate in at least three languages. Students are assessed by French comprehensive exams at the end of the course. The grading system is on a 20-point scale. All class 2016 students passed the French Baccalaureate examination, 89% of whom passed with honors (26% Très Bien, 42% Bien, and 21% Assez Bien).



IC is currently governed by a self- perpetuating Board of Trustees which meets three times a year. The IC Board is comprised of thirty-three members, two-thirds of whom must be citizens of the United States. The administration of IC includes a President, Vice Presidents, Directors, and Assistant Directors. The Board works cooperatively with the school President, who is recognized by all groups as the responsible leader of the school.


IC is jointly accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS). Its high academic standards are formally recognized by the Agence de l’Enseignement du Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) which has granted the school the status of “établissement homologué”. In 2003, IC became authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the Diploma Program and in 2008 to offer the Primary Years Program (PYP).



The vision of International College (I.C.) is to inspire learners of today to be global citizen leaders of tomorrow.



The mission of International College is to educate young men and women to be capable of initiative and critical thinking, who will serve as role models in a global society. The curriculum aims for excellence at all levels and embraces the education of the whole person. Graduates of IC will have developed self-discipline, problem-solving abilities, social responsibility, self-confidence, and awareness of, and respect for, the interdependence of nations in all their diversity.



The objective of International College is to provide a safe and secure environment where students develop personal qualities and skills leading to international mindedness, intellectual curiosity, effective communication, creative expression, compassion, community building, responsible citizenship, and an appreciation for cultural diversity.


IC curricula promote the development of the whole person in the following areas:



Through developing individual potential and an attitude of life-long learning as a result of a balanced and rigorous program in three languages that strives for excellence in the Lebanese Baccalaureate, the French Baccalaureate, the College Preparatory Program and the International Baccalaureate;



Through the promotion of the values of integrity, service and respect for individual differences and for the environment;



Through intra-and extra-curricular activities that develop civic and global awareness, leadership, team spirit, and a commitment to social justice;



Through a diverse arts program that values creativity and celebrates cultures;



Through a physical education and athletics program that values sportsmanship and healthy living.


The Program

IC offers an internationally-minded education that reflects the school’s beliefs. Students have a genuine enthusiasm for learning and the school community. The relationship between the faculty and the student body is very positive and built on mutual respect. 



The Pre-School is a three-year cycle that offers an English or a French program to children ages 3, 4, and 5, while maintaining a strong tradition of teaching Arabic as the native language.

The IC Pre-School is the place for young children to "Discover, Explore, Investigate, Experiment and Enjoy Learning." Children are encouraged to construct their own knowledge in an environment which advocates the inquiry approach.


Elementary School

The curriculum, which is a combination of the Lebanese Standards and, in the French track, the National French standards leading to the French Baccalaureate, follows an integrated approach to acquiring knowledge informed by the IB Primary Years Program (PYP). Learning at any one time involves several areas of the following subjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences, Applied & Performing Arts, Information Technology, and Physical Education.  An activity-based inquiry approach to education is emphasized, which allows each student to learn through play, experimentation and questioning. Students are encouraged to be actively involved in their learning, to become risk-takers, and, above all, to enjoy learning.


Middle School

The Middle School of International College is a four-year cycle covering grades 6 to 9.

It offers three different programs: The Lebanese program, which prepares students for the official Lebanese Brevet examination in both its tracks, the English and the French; the College Preparatory Program, which is an English medium non-Brevet program commonly known as the High School program; and the French program, which is a French medium program that prepares students for the official French Baccalaureate examination.


Secondary School

The three-year secondary school includes grades 10 to 12 and serves 705 students. It offers four curricular tracks: Lebanese Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate, or College Preparatory Program.  Students follow a challenging academic program, and graduate tri-lingual. Part of the curriculum for all secondary students includes mandatory participation in the Community Service Program.

IC offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities designed to encourage students to explore new challenges typically unavailable in a traditional classroom setting. The activities program has become an integral part of school life, attracting a large number of students, many of whom enroll in multiple activities.



IC has more than 380 highly qualified members, 65% of whom hold a master’s degree or higher, and a significant majority have 10 or more years of teaching experience. They represent 20 different nationalities. The majority are Lebanese (89%) with the next most important represented nationalities being American (5%), Canadian (2%), and French (2%). A number of the school’s faculty members are dual citizens (16%).


The Position - Director of Secondary School

The Director reports to the President and serves as the instructional leader for grades 10-12. The Director is responsible for the operation of the school, including the administration and supervision of all phases of the instructional program and management of the facility. The Director provides instructional leadership, and possesses administrative and supervisory skills for the educational development of students, as well as, to promote parent and community involvement.


Qualifications and characteristics desired in the new Director include the following:

  • Masters or Doctorate Degree in the field of Education
  • Ten or more years as a secondary school classroom teacher with an exemplary teaching record
  • Five or more years of experience in a senior school administrative position (e.g.  Director or Principal)
  • Experience facilitating, overseeing and coordinating curriculum and instruction
  • Supervision and evaluation of secondary school faculty and staff
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
  • Proven leadership skills
  • Excellent human relations and communication skills
  • Evidence of continued of continued professional development and training
  • Evidence of positive relationships with faculty, staff, students and parents
  • Competent technology user
  • Highly organized and task oriented
  • Skilled at delegating, empowering, and managing faculty and staff to maximize human resources
  • Anticipate a long term commitment to International College and the position of Secondary School Director
  • Willing and able to commit to additional hours required beyond the typical school hours


Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Provides curricular and instructional leadership by supervising the design and development of academic programs and activities, their implementation, and their evaluation.
  • Works closely with the school faculty and staff in identifying educational and instructional needs, and in developing plans to improve the instructional process.
  • Assigns academic, advisory, and administrative tasks.
  • Evaluates the performance of faculty and staff and provides opportunity for improvement.
  • Provides for the planning and development of staff training programs
  • Develops and implements procedures for the admission of new students and the progress, promotion, and retention of students in line with College policies.
  • Promotes and maintains parental and community involvement.
  • Participates in budget planning activities and develops control procedures.
  • Confers and consults with parents regarding their children’s school performance, behavior problems, and alternative problem solutions.
  • Is responsible for the overall achievement, welfare and safety of students within the school.
  • Oversees the maintenance and the proper utilization of facilities, in coordination with the Physical Plant.
  • Reviews, purchases, and allocates instructional supplies, materials, and equipment.
  • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other administrators, employees, parents and members of the community.
  • Attends the Executive Committee and other administrative meetings.


Salary and Benefits

The salary will be competitive and commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate. Benefits include transportation, health insurance, annual leave, free tuition for school-age dependents, and housing accommodations (for expatriates only).


Procedure for Filing Application

International College - Beirut has appointed Search Associates to act as consultant in the search for a Secondary School Director. Interested candidates should send an application at the earliest possible opportunity, but no later than November 18th, 2016. Candidates should note, however, that in the event an outstanding applicant is identified early in the search process, IC reserves the right to make an appointment before the deadline. For this reason, it is very important that interested candidates apply as soon as possible.

Candidates should submit the following information as a single pdf file attached to an email:

  • A cover letter no longer than two pages explaining your strengths and why you are interested in the Secondary School Director position
  • A current résumé not to exceed two pages
  • A one-page statement outlining your educational beliefs and leadership style
  • Two letters of reference from supervisors within the last five years
  • A list of family dependents including names, ages, and grade level if seeking student enrolment at International College
  • A list of at least three references including current email addresses and phone numbers


The review of candidates will begin as soon as applications are received. Skype video interviews of candidates will take place on a rolling basis and might be scheduled for selected candidates soon after their applications are received. Search Associates will identify semifinalist candidates and forward their dossiers to IC for review. The IC Search Committee will schedule interviews with selected Semifinalist candidates, and will identify 2-3 finalists who, together with his/her spouse (if applicable) will be invited for a site visit and final interview as early in the process as possible. The new Secondary School Director will be selected after the conclusion of the site visits and when the final interviews and reference checks have been completed. The new Secondary School Director will begin in July 2017.

Additional information about International College can be found at the school’s website at


Candidates should send application materials as a single pdf file attached to an email to:


Ralph Jahr                                                          Tel: 1-609-759-0431 USA – Pacific Time Zone

Skype – ralph.h.jahr                                                             Email:

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Nick Kendell has worked in Asia, Australia, and Africa as an educator and administrator.