News: Bangkok Spring Job Fair - Apr 23, 2015
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Thursday, April 23, 2015General News

Bangkok Spring Job Fair

In the world of international education, the bulk of recruiting for the next school year takes place between October and February. However, as the recruiting season advances, most international schools continue to have positions that need to be filled, even as the new school year quickly approaches. On March 19-22, 2015, Vice President Michael Williams (left) and Senior Associate Harry Deelman (right) hosted the Bangkok Spring Job Fair, the second Search Associates event in the city each year. Held at the Westin Grande Sukumvit Hotel in the heart of downtown, the Bangkok Spring Fair is an excellent opportunity for international schools to find high quality candidates toward the end of the recruiting cycle.

With 27 schools and 77 candidates in attendance, the Bangkok Spring Fair is one of Search Associates' more intimate events. The fair's comfortable size provides a fantastic opportunity for schools and candidates to identify quality matches, away from the intensity of Search's larger events. This year's fair featured a strong crop of international schools from over 14 countries. Most of the schools came from Asia, with a handful present from Africa and the Middle East. Over 170 jobs were posted this year, a testament to the expanding duration of the recruitment cycle.

The four day event featured a myriad of opportunities for candidates and recruiters to connect, including presentations by schools and associates and the interview sign-up session. In addition, a reception was also held at Westin's Altana event room, located on the top floor of the hotel, with a panoramic view of the city. As always, the Westin Grande Sukumvit was an excellent host for the fair, with multiple attendees praising its convenient location and supportive staff.

In addition to Michael Williams, Harry Deelman, and their excellent support staff, Ray Sparks was also on hand to consult with attendees and offer professional consultation. Both candidates and recruiters highly valued the presence of these associates at the fair, frequently seeking them out for advice. Also present were the fair's sponsors, Trinity Holding International and SCI Employee Benefits. Both organizations have graciously contributed to both the Bangkok January and Spring fairs over the past few years, consulting with recruiters and teachers regarding their financial security during their overseas experiences.

As the world of international teaching expands and becomes increasingly competitive, fairs like Bangkok Spring are becoming even more important. With so many quality positions unfilled, and with plenty of experienced teachers still on the market, late-season fairs like this are just one of the ways Search Associates continues to serve the education community.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Nick Kendell has worked in Asia, Australia, and Africa as an educator and administrator.