Hope Teague-Bowling calls herself bossy. So when she says she has wanted to teach abroad since grad school, we understand that her significant...
The Watsons may seem like your average family—but this third culture household is traveling the world while making a difference! Together abroad,...
As a teaching couple, Mark Bowyer and Kirsty Green began their careers in New Zealand as Heads of Department in Physical Education and Humanities,...
So much is coming together for international teaching candidates Owen McMullen and Chelsea Utecht. At the end of the summer (2019), they will...
In August 2019, Mark and Hannah Bailey will begin their first year as international educators! They have sold their home, and they are packing...
Born in the state of West Bengal in India, Saiti Datta moved around a lot with her family for her father’s job. A memory from her childhood is...
As a couple, Vince Dimatera and Nikki Brianne Ragos (Bri) love traveling and meeting people from different walks of life. They enjoy taking photos...
Candidates Karen and Chris Ryan are thrilled to embark on their new leadership roles, Karen as Senior English Language Learner Coordinator and...
Search Associates Candidate Kate Garcia had been teaching for four years at Colegio San Agustin in her home country of the Philippines when she...
Jim O’Malley has been an international educator for all 21 years of his career. Driving him all this time has been the tremendous impact an educator...
Maya Drezgic has been an international educator for her entire career—18 years, and counting! Born in what is current Serbia, Maya left her...
When Samran Wiriyaphng (Sam) was in high school in his home country of Thailand, he faced a difficult time. Two groups of people helped him survive,...
As California teacher Beth Dagitses glanced at an ad online for an international school, she never imagined she would one day find herself traveling...
It’s June, and Melanie Dickerson feels buoyant after taking part in this year’s Graduation. It has been rewarding witnessing how much her students...
When Francy Johnson was young and teaching her two step-daughters to read, she had a Eureka moment: This is what I want to do with my life ....
Graduating with teaching credentials, yet not finding a job is a common story in Canada, says Laura Guay Hurst. In Laura’s case, she earned a...
She’s been teaching—and loving it—for 12 years, but recently Lisa Jackson landed her ideal job in Hong Kong, one of her favorite places. And...
After graduation from university where they met, Sarah and Michael took off for seven weeks to explore Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand....
One wintry morning at a coffee shop in Virginia, current Search Consultant and former Head of School Gunther Brandt recruited teachers Jason...
With his mother and sister both teachers and his father a high school principal, Marc Curless could not avoid a career in education. The wanderlust...
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Did You Know…?
Senior Associate Nick Kendell has worked in Asia, Australia, and Africa as an educator and administrator.