News:  International School in Myanmar Selects New Director - Nov 5, 2015
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Thursday, November 5, 2015General News

International School in Myanmar Selects New Director

The Search Committee and Board of Management of the International School of Yangon (ISY), assisted by Senior Associates Jim Ambrose and Ralph Jahr, have concluded their worldwide search for a new director and selected Dr. Greg Hedger, who will take the position beginning in July 2016.

Dr. Hedger is currently Superintendent of Escuela Campo Alegre in Caracas, Venezuela. Prior to that, he was Director of the Qatar Academy in Doha, (2007-2012) and the Cayman International School in the Cayman Islands (2003-2007). He has also held teaching and administrative positions in Pakistan, Indonesia, Romania, and in the U.S.

The International School Yangon was founded in 1952, when an American lady began tutoring a friend's child in her spare time. When word spread that Miss Jevne was providing an American-style education, her class grew to 30 students. Three years later, she departed, leaving a community galvanized to establish an official elementary school.

Over the years, ISY moved to several different leased properties. In 1988, the school moved to its current location. That same year, the International High School-Rangoon relocated to the same campus. In 1984, ISY received its first accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Six years later, accreditation was renewed for ISY, now a K-12 school. In 2010, ISY instituted the International Baccalaureate Program.

Today, 70 teachers (representing about 15 different countries) and 40 administrative and support staff provide a challenging education for 700 students of 35 different nationalities. By their junior year, students (with some exceptions) embark on the full IB Diploma Program. As a graduation requirement, all students must sit for at least three IB exams.

The campus comprises four acres on the outskirts of the city. Seven buildings house 43 classrooms, a library, science labs, music and art rooms, and computer labs with high speed Internet and Wi-Fi access. In 2006, the school constructed a new elementary school building. The campus also includes a lunchroom and multi-purpose room for large gatherings as well as playground areas, covered courts, and a playing field ("History" "Facilities" "Director's Welcome").

In July 2016, when Dr. Hedger takes his position as new Director, ISY will have completed a considerable expansion of its site. He can look forward to a new full -size gymnasium, instructional swimming pool, soccer pitch, and state-of-the-art science labs, art center, and several more classrooms. Search Associates congratulates him on this exciting move ("Director's").

"Director's Welcome." The International School Yangon. 2015. Web. 22 October 2015.

"Facilities." The International School Yangon. 2015. Web. 22 October 2015.

"History of the International school of Yangon."  The International School Yangon. International School of Yangon Handbook Student & Parent Handbook, 2015-2016. Web. 22 October 2015.

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Search Associates is a family-owned business founded by John Magagna, former international educator. After working with her father for ten years, daughter Jessica Magagna is now CEO.