News: Johannesburg Fair open for registration - Sep 2, 2012
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Sunday, September 2, 2012General News

Johannesburg Fair open for registration

Candidates interested to attend the Search Associates Johannesburg Fair can now register.

Initiated by Search Associates in December 2011, with strong support from the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), the Johannesburg Fair, Africa's first and only international school recruiting opportunity, offers intimacy and a high level of personal service to the 25 - 30 schools and 80-100 candidates attending.

Schools attending are drawn 75% from Africa, and 25% from other continents. It is avery suitable fair for three broad categories of candidate:

  • Those seeking a position in one of Africa's leading schools;
  • Those located in Africa seeking an early recruitment opportunity for schools beyond the continent;
  • Those with experience in domestic schools in the region, seeking a first international school position.

Organizer Gez Hayden commented:

"We set up the Johannesburg Fair in response to high demand from schools, candidates and AISA for an international schools recruitment forum in Africa. There is increasing interest in Africa on the part of our candidates, as growth and development there continue".

Urging candidates to sign up promptly for the invitation only event, he added:

"Although this Fair is small by Search Associates standards, we maintain a favourable ratio of around 4 candidates to every school and so are still offering the same chance of success."

This year's Fair takes place at the Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre in Fourways, Johannesburg, from December 7-9.

Candidates and schools should check out the Johannesburg Fair web page for all the information they need about registering and attending. There is also a Fair Facebook page, which carries informal updates and information. This is where candidates can also post or seek hotel room sharing opportunities.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.