News: New Toronto Fair Dates Allow for Earlier Recruiting  - Jun 3, 2015
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015General News

New Toronto Fair Dates Allow for Earlier Recruiting

Traditionally, recruiting season among international schools has largely occurred over the months of January and February. A shifting trend in recent years has seen many recruiters start their hiring process before the first of the year. They begin looking for teachers in high demand fields, as well as administrators and educators who can fill "key" positions within the school.

In light of this new trend, Search Associates has advanced the date of its annual job fair held in Toronto, Canada to December 11-13, 2015. This will additionally mark the company's 25th year in operation.

Moving the fair forward was the logical result of a number of factors, according to Ray Sparks, a Senior Associate who has been closely monitoring hiring practices among international schools. He explained,

"Many feel the need to begin recruiting earlier. Rather than wait to meet in person, some employers now conduct their interviews via Skype, while others make hires based on previous contacts."

Getting a jump on the recruiting season may take pressure off of schools by allowing them to get a portion of their hiring completed prior to the holidays, according to Sparks. Mid-December marks an ideal time to bring together recruiters and candidates already planning to spend the holidays in North America.

The early date should additionally prove convenient for candidates wishing to attend multiple fairs. Moreover, room rates are more affordable and the weather is traditionally better during this period than later in the winter.

"I will be the trail blazer to see what the response will be to an earlier fair," stated Sparks. "I'm willing to test the waters to see if moving our date benefits our member schools and candidates."

For more information about the Search Associates Toronto fair, please visit our job fairs page.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.