News: Pete Kyaw: Bold in Life, Bold in Tech Teaching - May 24, 2024
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Pete Kyaw: Bold in Life, Bold in Tech Teaching

At the heart of education, Computer Teacher Pyae Sone (Pete) Kyaw is motivated to prepare students for tomorrow. For him, education means always looking for new ways to make learning better and more exciting. Pete loves being at the forefront of using new technology in the international school classroom.

During his past two years at International School Manila (ISM), Pete pioneered and has been leading a robust Virtual Reality program, creating Data Dashboards, and actively contributing to the school's Artificial Intelligence (AI) steering group. In his role as EdTech Coordinator, Pete has also had the privilege of mentoring and coaching teachers.

In his 17-plus years of teaching “tech subjects,” Pete has only known the classroom environment abroad. His teaching career began in Thailand while completing his first master's degree when he realized he could combine his two passions: teaching and technology. The decision to pursue international teaching was a natural step in his career, given his desire to experience and learn from different cultures. Pete adds,

What I love most about being an educator is seeing students use what they've learned to tackle real problems. It's really rewarding to see them not just understand the theory but also put it into practice with a sense of responsibility.

Since joining Search Associates (SEARCH) in 2016, Pete has taught at Beijing National Day School and ISM, Philippines. Now, Pete and his young family are returning to Beijing, this time to Keystone Academy. They look forward to the move with excitement and confidence:

Before making the decision, we did our homework on the school and the location. We had visited Keystone Academy once before and were really impressed with its facilities and the vibe on campus. Knowing the school's strong reputation was a big plus for us…We also love Beijing. It’s vibrant and full of culture, and has lots of opportunities for my spouse, including the chance to work part-time, which is fantastic for our family. Plus, we had some great memories from our previous time in Beijing, which made the idea of going back exciting.

Pete has learned to recognize and appreciate differences within the international school classroom and adapt his teaching style to meet the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Overseas teaching has challenged him to be more innovative in the way he communicates, to ensure that his teaching is inclusive and accessible to all students.

For his latest overseas teaching job search, Pete attended the January 2024 Bangkok Fair, which he found “very helpful.” He kept an eye on job boards and school websites for openings that matched his skills. On the SEARCH website, Pete appreciated accessing details about schools and the ability to filter for specifics. And Pete believes in networking, “talking to people in the field and staying connected.” What has helped him the most with successful placements: staying flexible and open about different opportunities—and being a bit bold:

Sometimes the job you think you want isn't the one you end up loving. So, I have taken chances on positions that seemed like they could be a good fit, even if they weren't exactly what I had in mind at first. It's all about finding that place where you can grow and make a difference.

If you are considering teaching abroad, Pete says,

Dive into the research first; make sure your qualifications match up, and remember to be open and flexible… Connect with others who've made the move; their advice is gold…There's a lot to learn from being in a new place… You'll be surprised at how much you grow, both as a teacher and as a person… It's an incredible journey that I've found deeply rewarding.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.