More than 600 candidates and 300 recruiters from 165 international schools joined Search Associates January 21-24 for the 16th annual Search Associates London January Job Fair. Organizer and Senior Associate
Gez Hayden reports that this year saw the largest number of schools representing the largest number of recruiters in the fair's history. Joining Gez was an enormous team, ready to lend a hand to all attendees: Senior Associates
David Cope,
Harry Deelman,
Bob Barlas,
John Ritter,
Julie Ryan,
Diana Kerry, and most of their support staff, as well as Chief Software Architect
Ed Sunder and former Head of School Tony Race.
The London January Fair, Search Associates' largest, specializes in pairing schools and candidates teaching the International Baccalaureate (IB) and British international curricula. The Millennium Gloucester Hotel and Conference Center is an excellent venue due to its central location in London and direct access to Heathrow Airport.
A bonus feature of this year's London January Fair was a well-attended panel discussion led by Senior Associate John Ritter. The forum allowed candidates to ask questions about international school recruiting to heads of school: David Toze, International School of Manila; Denise Walsh, Bali Island School; Raymond Williams, New British International School of Cairo; and Alan Knobloch, International School of Dakar.
From left: John Ritter and heads of school panel
Gez anticipates hundreds of placements in the coming weeks! Similar to Search Associates' other 11 job fairs, London January provides wonderful opportunities for participants to connect with colleagues and international school heads from around the world, planting seeds for great careers and opportunities to come. For more about Search Associates' job fairs, please click here.