News: Search Associate Presents at 2015 NAESP Conference - Jul 22, 2015
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015General News

Search Associate Presents at 2015 NAESP Conference

Ralph Jahr (pictured left) and Tom Shearer (pictured right)

Senior Associate Ralph Jahr was delighted to co-chair a session at the annual National Association of Elementary Schools Principals (NAESP) Conference this June 30 – July 2, in Long Beach, California. Joining Ralph was Tom Shearer Regional Education Officer (REO) for Africa and Eastern Europe for the Office of Overseas Schools, U.S. Department of State. Twenty-seven elementary school administrators attended the presentation, "American Overseas Schools." Ralph commented,

"The purpose of the presentation is to make elementary school principals, most of whom are working at schools in the U.S.A, aware of the administrative opportunities available in international schools. I have been presenting at this conference for the last 10-12 years but had missed the last two years because other activities conflicted with the NAESP dates. I hope to continue to present at this conference in the future."

Since 1921, NAESP has been advancing policy, providing professional development, and advocating for elementary and middle level principals in the United States and in schools abroad. This year's conference included insights from educational experts, as well as keynote speeches from artist Erik Wahl and curriculum designer Heidi Hayes Jacobs. 2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples, spoke about working with students living in extreme conditions. Along with an opportunity to choose from one hundred concurrent sessions, principals could participate in Community Day, which included building two new playgrounds.

Ralph and Tom attended one of NAESP's receptions, where he met with some NAESP board members and the president of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Through events such as these, Search Associates like Ralph Jahr continue to build vital bridges among excellent educational leaders and top-notch international schools.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.