News: Search Associates Hails New Chief Software Architect - Apr 6, 2015
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Monday, April 6, 2015General News

Search Associates Hails New Chief Software Architect

As Search Associates continues to grow, its mission to provide quality support and personal attention to as many clients as possible remains imperative. In order to uphold this client commitment, we welcome Ed Sunder as Chief Software Architect.

Ed Sunder joined Search Associates after founding and successfully running an award-winning web development firm for fourteen years. Three HD, a Chattanooga-based company founded by Ed and two friends, was sold to Neathawk Dubuque & Packett (ND&P) in 2010. Ed remained with the company for the next four-and-a-half years as the Director of Interactive. During that time, Search Associates contracted the company for its 2011 redesign project, with Ed heading the technology portion of the project.

Outside of his career, Ed is a father of six sons and a role model in his community. He is both a Scoutmaster in Boy Scouts and a Webelos Leader in the Cub Scouts. As an avid astrophotographer, Ed has an interest in astronomy and astrophotography, lecturing occasionally. He also builds and flies remote control planes, helicopters, and quadcopters and is a serious scale model builder.

Since joining Search Associates, Ed has teamed with Web Developer Rob Snyder to completely transform our clients' interactive web presence. Time and time again, candidates and schools have commented on how user-friendly and consistent our website remains. Ed plans to assist the IT Department in furthering the company's accessibility and reliability by making the website more responsive to handheld tools, such as mobile and tablet devices. Additionally, plans to significantly upgrade aspects, such as search capabilities, dashboards, and communications features are "in the works."

Ed commented about his new position:
"I am thrilled to be part of the future of Search Associate's digital efforts and can't wait to begin rolling out our changes. Schools and candidates alike will benefit tremendously from what we have in store. This is the beginning of a very exciting time for us."

Did You Know…?

CEO of Search Associates, Jessica Magagna, was born in Morocco and attended the American Community School in Iran while her father was headmaster.