News: Search Bangkok January Fair - Jan 16, 2020
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Thursday, January 16, 2020General News

Search Bangkok January Fair

This year, the Bangkok Fair successfully returned to the Marriott Marquis Queens Park for the January event. With a thousand people in attendance, the venue again proved to be spacious yet well-suited for networking and meetings. One hundred and thirty-eight schools from over 40 countries checked in, while 573 candidates came from across the globe to pursue new international school positions. Senior Associates and fair hosts Harry Deelman and Nick Kendell, along with a team of staff and advisors, met those experienced international educators with the friendliness and approachability for which Search Associates (SEARCH) is renowned.

Nick and Harry were grateful to the Associates who traveled overseas to offer their expertise, particularly as advisors to candidates: Barry Drake, Bill TurnerJohn Ritter, and Ray Sparks. Office Manager Jen Cole traveled all the way from Canada to talk to recruiters about APLi, and educational consultants Mick Green, Chris Green, Deidre Fischer, Keith Ord, Margaret Deelman, and Alison Turner also provided invaluable support to ensure the smooth running of the fair. This warm, team of experts not only gave excellent insights and advice, they also facilitated meetings between candidates and recruiters, tracked people down in the lounge, and advised on the cultural nuances of recruiting. For example, one interviewer actually said to a British citizen, “If you could throw away all of that modesty, what would be your biggest strength?”

Search Bangkok Fair is designed so there is time for networking, discourse, and informational sessions. On day three, Karen Ryan gave a presentation on supporting students with special educational and language needs in international schools. The Anglo-American School of Russia kindly met with any candidates interested in improving their CVs or practicing their interview skills. Daily lunches—made possible by sponsors Trinity Holdings, Cigna, Manaaki Adventures, Expat Property Portal, and Tygate—provided excellent opportunities for candidates and recruiters to mingle in a social setting. The candidate lounge was a great space for respite between countless interviews for the 1,187 overseas teaching vacancies.

There was a real buzz in the air as people reconnected and made new professional connections. One candidate remarked that despite feeling that the fair was highly competitive, she was thankful that other candidates were so willing to engage in warm conversation. Another was surprised at how important his non-teaching background could be, and others commented that even if a job did not come from the fair, it was an excellent professional learning opportunity. These are the things that make it a pleasure to be your Search Associate.

For more about SEARCH’s 14 unique, annual job fairs held around the globe, click here.

Did You Know…?

During the past year, Search Associates has assisted over 3,000 teachers, counselors, librarians, and administrators find jobs.