News: Teach Overseas at Shanghai Shangde Experimental School - May 13, 2018
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Sunday, May 13, 2018School Spotlights

Teach Overseas at Shanghai Shangde Experimental School

Search Associates is pleased to announce that the international division of the Shanghai Shangde Experimental School (SSES) is now one of its member schools. Founded by Mr. Jiang Xiaoyong in 2003, SSES is a private, K–12 boarding school, accredited by the Shanghai Education Committee and authorized by International Baccalaureate (IB) Organization since 2010. The school’s mission is to provide an inspiring, challenging, diverse, and secure learning environment in which students engage in creativity and collaboration, develop as lifelong learners and responsible citizens, and learn how to apply their skills in real world settings. Currently 1,285 predominantly Chinese, students are enrolled in grades K–12. The total teaching staff of 150 includes 68 Chinese teachers and 28 from North America and the U.K.

SSES aims to cultivate citizens of the world while also honoring the local culture; the school facilitates co-teaching between Chinese and foreign teachers and provides bilingual classes and bilingual activities, integrating Chinese language and culture into the IB program at every grade level. To help students develop a global perspective, SSES incorporates a study tour into the curriculum, which allows students to travel to a new place to undertake a research project and a learning task. Students can prepare for university study abroad by choosing college-preparatory courses specific to a certain country, such as the U.S., Canada, and Japan. These courses are taught primarily by foreign teachers who are familiar with the particular requirements of each curriculum and who can also help prepare students to adapt to their target culture. SSES students also participate in life skills classes, such as Positive Psychology and College Planning, which include goal management and career planning.

Student life at SSES is fun and inspiring! Extra-curricular opportunities, in addition to on-campus jobs and the IB Creativity, Action, Service activities, include robot model making, rock/pop bands, drama club, and bicycle marathon racing. Students also get involved in the Roots & Shoots project, a branch of an organization founded by Jane Goodall. Colorfully-named events take place at the school all year, such as the RiverCam Literary Fest, the Sleepless @ Shangde overnight party, SportING, Fancy Dress Party, Gradult Prom, I Travel International Culture Day, Field Trip, and “BOB” Singing Contest & Christmas Party.

SSES is interested in hiring singles and couples—married, unmarried, or with a non-teaching spouse. The school will also consider candidates certified in non-English speaking countries and newly-certified teachers with exceptional personal qualities, but a Bachelor's degree and a minimum of two years of full-time teaching experience are a must. Interns are welcome to apply as well. Although teachers must be certificated, they are not required to hold their academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. In China, work visas may be obtained up to the age of 60.

SSES offers a competitive salary, a generous sum towards airfare, and a 40% discount of tuition for one child. The school provides professional development and local health insurance. Assistance in finding housing is provided by the school.

To gain access to Shanghai Shangde Experimental School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of all open positions, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please Note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.