News: Up Close and Personal - Our Annual General Meeting - Oct 13, 2016
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Thursday, October 13, 2016General News

Up Close and Personal - Our Annual General Meeting

First Row: Ray Sparks, Bridget McNamer, David Cope, Jessica Magagna, Harry Deelman.
Middle: Diana Kerry, Bill Turner, Julie Ryan, John Magagna, Sally Gordon, Barry Drake, John Ritter.
Back Row: Michael Williams, Gez Hayden, Ralph Jahr, Nick Kendell, Eric Hieser, Terry Giffen, Jim Ambrose, David Cramer

While advances in technology and other factors have brought many changes to recruiting practices in international schools, Search Associates still believes in a Personal Touch. That's why we host 11 job fairs annually for face-to-face interviews in several parts of the world, and why our Senior Associates and staff members convene somewhere in the world every year for an Annual General Meeting (AGM). In 2016, some thirty of us enjoyed three days of collaborative discussion in Seattle, Washington at our Annual General Meeting.

We were joined by new Consultant Terry Giffen, who will spearhead college counselor recruitment; Eric Hieser, who will assist with our new venture, Search Associates USA, specializing in recruitment for independent and charter schools in the U.S.; and Senior Associate Bill Turner, who joined our team officially this August.

The AGM provides a valuable opportunity to analyze what Search Associates is doing well, and what we can do better! Plans are underway to better use our technology and provide high-level online management tools to our member candidates and schools. We are also committed to attracting and retaining high quality members, both educators and schools, and to diversifying our services as a leading recruitment agency in international education.

Our annual meeting also gives us a chance to discuss important trends and issues, such as improved child protection policies, the future of recruiting, and the enormous growth of international schools worldwide. In fact, we have seen a tremendous growth in the amount of international schools worldwide in the last few years and expect a continuous growth in coming years. According to ISC Research , "Asia (including Western Asia; the Middle East) has seen the greatest increase in students during this time with a 55.7% growth. Asia now has 54% of all international schools (4,448) and 60% of all students (2.55 million)." As such, we expect to see a continued growth of online applications submitted and new member schools joining Search Associates in the future.

As the international education scene evolves, Search Associates is embracing that change, and we anticipate moving in exciting new directions in the future. President Jessica Magagna comments: "It is not in our nature to be complacent. We are always looking for ways to better meet the needs of our member candidates and schools, as well as finding ways to adapt to the constant changes that occur within international recruitment. In the near future, Search Associates will be making some major changes that will help us enjoy another 25 years of success."

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Ray Sparks's over 30-year career as an educator has involved working in Canada, Europe, and Asia.